Healing Mama Co.

Healing Mama Co.

Rhowena Adolfo Patel started Healing Mama Co. to revolutionize the childbirth industry by raising the standard of care that birthing people and their partners receive.

The company was born from Rhowena’s frustrating and eye-opening experience as a first-time mother, which inspired her to solve the problems she saw when it came to fourth trimester and postpartum care. 

Driven by the motivation to provide new and expecting moms with the care they’ve so often lacked, Rhowena has pushed her way past several barriers that stood in her path. In addition to filling the full-time role as a mother, she’s overcome cancer and nearly went bankrupt twice. As a woman founder of colour, she’s also experienced limited access to financial funding, which she describes as one of the most challenging aspects of bringing her revolution to life.

Visit the Healing Mama Co. website to build labour and postpartum bags for you or your loved ones.

OntarioRuha Ratnam