The Forum empowers 5,000+ women entrepreneurs each year
And with your generosity, that number is always growing. Because with donations like yours, we’re able to continually expand our educational programming and create resources that meet the ever-evolving needs self-identifying women entrepreneurs have — meaning we can move the needle for them & their businesses in very tangible ways.
Build the Canada you want to see as a Future Funder
With a monthly donation starting at $25, you could help us reach more women entrepreneurs who rely on The Forum’s resources and community to build the impactful businesses they envision.
The Forum is a registered Canadian charity (#861056646RR0001).
We provide tax receipts for donations over $20 CAD.
Other ways to donate:
Cheque: which you can make out to Forum for Women Entrepreneurs and mail to: PO Box 30523 RPO Madison, Burnaby, BC, V5C 6J5
Direct Deposit: via a Charitable Impact account, which takes just a moment to set up. This is also our preferred method for donations over $1,000. Donors interested in a bank-to-bank direct deposit (electronic funds transfer) may contact Lisa Niemetscheck at lisa@theforum.ca.
Transfer of shares/securities: please contact Lisa Niemetscheck at lisa@theforum.ca for information about the next steps.
→ Donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt.