Digital 55

Digital 55

Lauralee Sheehan runs Digital 55, an award-winning company that’s made up of designers, developers, content producers, and media experts who take pride in producing content and learning experiences that focus on critical thinking and complex storytelling.

With a diverse background that includes working on film sets, being a musician, and an indie label entrepreneur over the past two decades, Lauralee was excited to take the next step in her growth with the launch of Digital 55. The company’s commitment to purposeful digital and media-based content has enabled it to take on an impressive roster of partners, such as PowerEDTM by Athabasca University, Digital Wellness Institute (DWI), Ontario Arts Council (OAC), and Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC).

More recently, the company even started a division for original and unscripted content, along with a distribution division that will provide even more potential for scalability.

Visit the Digital 55 website to learn more about the compelling content and learning experiences Lauralee and her company are working on.

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