PURE Design Inc.

Ami McKay, Founder of PURE Design Inc., first got involved with The Forum in 2008 as a mentee: “I appreciated it so much and wished that it was something I could have had when I was younger. So after about five years when I felt like I had enough life experience, I decided to give back as a mentor the way that other women had supported me.” 

Looking back on her time as a mentee, she says “It was great to have an ear to talk about my struggles as an entrepreneur. This supportive environment impacted me in a positive way through my highs and lows as a business owner.” Now as a mentor, she finds she continues to benefit from the experience while giving back. Not only does it remind her of her own accomplishments and the wisdom she has to share, but she’s found it’s strengthened her ability to lead in her own company. 

“I encourage any woman to join as there is so much to gain as both a mentee and as a mentor. In the olden days, we mentored the younger generations, passed down knowledge and support, and it is missing in our culture today. It’s very fundamental for us women to connect with other women, to be guided and to guide. Don’t forget to ask for help! Even I still need a mentor today as my business grows and changes,” she says.

British ColumbiaThe Forum