Pom & Chi Pet Boutique

Pom & Chi Pet Boutique

Julie Angeletti started Pom & Chi Pet Boutique with no experience in product development—but she didn’t let that stop her from persevering and learning all about the industry.

As she explains, “I hit roadblock after roadblock. I couldn't find a manufacturer that would be willing to work with me. When I did, communication was a big issue and the production was not up to my standards.” After over a year of searching and three failed attempts, she finally found the studio that she’s proud to work with today. Though Julie often hears she was lucky to have found a studio with such a high standard of quality, she never would have found them if she had given up when things got tough.

You can find beautiful, minimally designed pet goods on the Pom & Chi Pet Boutique website, including zero-waste beds, bandanas, and toys for small dogs.