Polar Peak Popcorn

Polar Peak Popcorn

When Paula Vera registered for E-Series Spring 2022, she was ready to establish Polar Peak Popcorn as the go-to snack for adventurers.

Not only did the branding and marketing seminars help her build Polar Peak Popcorn's personality, but she was able to connect with another program participant from the Elk Valley, BC,  Charné Baird Photography. Together, they worked to further develop the brand's presence. Just take a look at the mouth-watering website to see the outcome!

As Paula explains, "[E-Series] enabled me to connect with other entrepreneurs in British Columbia [and] was a great way to get new ideas from established professionals."

Make sure you try out the locally made gourmet popcorn if you’re in the Fernie BC area!

Paula took part in The Forum E-Series Presented by RBC with the support of a bursary generously provided by Teck.