Kale Health

Jennie Ding grew up in Canada as a first-generation Chinese immigrant, and was determined to always “do better.” She found herself constantly striving to reach an even more impressive goal than her last. After finishing her Master’s degree, she went to medical school, where she found herself working 30+ hour overnight hospital shifts during her residency. 

She was working exceptionally hard, but realized she didn’t really know who she was or what she truly wanted to accomplish. Eventually, she found the inspirational books of author Brene Brown, and says that she “Discovered that I had so much to learn about myself, and it started with letting go of who I think I'm supposed to be and truly embracing who I really am: a person who values family, creativity, and community.”

She started Kale Health as a way to combine her interests in preventative medicine, nutrition, holistic wellness, and her desire to empower individuals in achieving their health goals.

A physician-led, data-driven health and wellness coaching company that focuses on blood sugar control to guide behavior change, Kale Health’s programming helps treat chronic conditions like obesity, digestive issues, sleep disorders, high blood pressure, hormone imbalances, and chronic fatigue. To do this, all of its programming is backed by the latest medical research–using state-of-the-art continuous blood sugar sensors and microbiome gut health testing to create personalized health plans for each client. 

Ironically, Jennie became one of her own clients after launching Kale Health:

“I did some blood tests and was shocked to find out that I have pre-diabetes, even though there's no one else in my family with diabetes. I thought I was doing all the right things but it seemed the stress from working in medicine finally caught up to me. My body was telling me I was burnt out. I slowed down my work schedule, took some time off to visit my grandparents in China, and focused on healing my body. I dug into the research on blood sugar control and created a program for myself to successfully reverse my pre-diabetes in under 60 days. Not only are the numbers on my lab tests much better, but I feel the best I have in years. Having taken the time to look after myself first, I’m in a much better position to care for others.”

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