Adobea Foli Consulting
Adobea is smiling at the camera, standing in a navy popla dot dress in front of trees with yellow leaves

After taking a two-year pause from her business to grow her family, Adobea Foli, Founder and CEO of StartGrowPivot Advisory Inc., which is now Adobea Foli Consulting, was ready to relaunch. She pushed forward and was starting to see momentum, but between running her business, raising a family, and working a full-time job, she felt she was starting to burn out. Armed with plenty of ideas but minimal time and resources to follow through with them, she decided to seek out a mentor who could share some advice.

She found that support through The Forum Mentor Program Presented by The Scotiabank Women Initiative® to be invaluable, as she was able to share ideas, gain fresh perspectives, and then prioritize tasks that would lead to revenue generation while balancing time constraints. 

As Adobea explains, “The most impactful lesson from my mentor has been the art of letting go and focusing on a few crucial goals. I wrestled with many ideas and passions, aiming to pursue them all to grow my business. I was offering various services, from workshops to coaching content creation to courses. With the help of my mentor, I realized that my message needed to be more precise to make a more significant impact. They helped me shift my perspective, take a step back, and assess what wasn’t working for me.”

British ColumbiaThe Forum