Episode 10: Professional Services - Building Your Network with Nanon de Gaspé Beaubien-Mattrick and Elizabeth Wong


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“When you find a professional you can trust or you get along with really well, nurture that relationship with them. This person will develop and grow with you as your business grows.” – Elizabeth Wong, Taku Resort

It takes a village to raise an entrepreneur, whether it’s an accountant, a lawyer, an advisor or even all three. Seeking the support of professional service providers is key when considering long term success of a business. In this episode of The Go-To, we hear from an advisor, Nanon de Gaspe Beaubien-Mattrick, President of Beehive Holdings, who shares what you need to know when seeking strategic advice (and why it’s so important). Then, Elizabeth Wong, Business Development at Taku Resorts shares her story of turning to trusted professionals when she unexpectedly took over her father’s business. Seeking help is necessary when you’re an entrepreneur but doing it in a smart way makes all the difference.

In this episode:

  • Nanon shares how to deal with an advisor

  • Learn what tactics Nanon recommends for making the most impact on a future investor

  • Liz discusses what happened when she was left, unexpectedly, to make all the business decisions

  • Discover what to look for when making your decision on which professionals to work with

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“Umm... I Missed That”

Entrepreneurship is a world of its own, which means the some of the lingo used might get lost in translation. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are a few of the key terms you’ll hear on this episode of The Go-To and what they actually mean.

Advisor: An external consultant or advisor who will analyze the problems and potential risks that a business is facing and advise them in a manner that will make them more efficient and profitable

Succession planning: The planning process for identifying and developing new leaders (likely internal) who can replace current or past leaders when they leave, retire or pass away



Meet Our Guests

Nanon de Gaspé Beaubien-Mattrick, Founder & President, Beehive Holdings


Nanon is founder and president of Beehive Holdings, an angel fund centered on seed to Series A investing, focused on technology companies supporting diversified teams.

Nanon served for 10 years as Senior Vice President of Telemedia, a Canadian Telecommunications Company.

She is president and co-founder of Maison Homes, a real estate development company building luxury boutique residences and multifamily residential units in British Columbia.

In 1991 Nanon co-founded MdGB Capital where she is co-President.

She serves on the board of directors of Photonic, PetNet, and is Chair of Monthly Gift.

Nanon’s personal passion is helping increase gender diversity in the work place and on corporate boards. Through her family foundation Nanon is presently involved in getting AQUA Hacking off the ground in British Columbia. Aqua Hacking is a tech competition which invites young entrepreneurs to tackle water issues. Mentors help the young leaders get the best ideas funded and implemented.

Nanon graduated with honors from Harvard College and earned an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Nanon’s “Go-To” Resources + Advice:

  • When dealing with an advisor, over-deliver in everything you do

  • Don’t just stay in touch with someone to stay in touch with them.

  • Don’t underestimate the power of a handwritten note

  • Connect with other entrepreneurs and develop a peer group

  • Ask for what you need in your pitch

Find Nanon on LinkedIn or send her an email at nanon@beehiveholdings.com


Elizabeth Wong, Business Development, Taku Resort


Elizabeth Wong has been working alongside her parents supporting and now managing the various family interests. Since graduating from the University of Calgary with a B.A. in Tourism and Management, she has taken the lead managing family property and investment portfolios, driving various philanthropic initiatives for the Fei and Milton Wong Family Foundation, and running brand and strategic initiatives for Taku Resort on Quadra Island.

This family owned interest since 1982, Elizabeth ensures Taku Resort remains a place you can just be. Whether looking to relax or looking for adventure, Taku is a home away from home where guests experience nature and create lasting memories.

In 2011 Elizabeth signed up for her first FWE mentor and continued with the program for a few more years. In addition, she completed the FWE E-series program in 2014. Although much busier these days as mother of two young boys, she is grateful to FWE for their support and coaching over the years.

Elizabeth’s “Go-To” Advice:

  • Make sure you have key people who understand your business and understand what types of financial decisions to make in your absence

  • Two people to rely on: an accountant and a lawyer

  • Don’t shy away from building a relationship with someone you really want to work with

Learn more about Taku Resort by visiting Takuresort.com for visiting their Facebook and Instagram. Find Elizabeth on LinkedIn too!



“The Go-To: For Entrepreneurs in the Know” is produced in collaboration with The Scotiabank Women Initiative™. Thank you for your support!